Ready to Roll.

We're almost set to release the new website. Hold out for just a couple hours more and we should be ready to go about 8pm tonight. Thanks for the patience.

New Website! New Design! Same Great Photography!

So we've been really struggling with a few new ideas over the last few months and I finally came to the conclusion that the first place to start would be with a brand new look. We're redesigning everything. For the last couple of years the business has been up and down, in and out and trying to juggle the idea of being a "full time" professional photographer with the 8-5 day job was just boggling. As most of you know, I lost my "day job" back in October of last year and since then, I've been living my dream of photography, officially full time. I have thrown up a few logos, changed sites, and reinvented my shooting style a few times within the last few years but now, I have finally come to the point where I feel that a total makeover for the business side of my photography will do everyone some good. With this makeover will come some downtime of the website (that was taken off-line a couple weeks ago) and we will transition into the full customer photography experience that I've hoped for a few years I could do. I'm finally comfortable in my shooting skin and understand where I'd like to go with my photography and I'm doing everything possible to get there. So to everyone out there, stay tuned and hold on for this time of redesign. We'll post the new site when it's ready, thanks for your patience!